Building your lash portfolio: tips for new lash technicians

Picture of Rimvita Marcinkeviciute
Rimvita Marcinkeviciute

Founder of RM Lash Academy and lash expert

Lash extensions tweezers for a blog post of "Building your lash portfolio: tips for a new lash technician".

Starting a new lash technician career in a crowded field can seem daunting. How do you stand out and showcase your unique skills? The answer lies in building a strong lash portfolio. This essential tool is not as complex as it might seem, and in this post, we’ll guide you through practical steps to highlight your work, attract new clients, and carve your niche in the thriving lash industry.

1. Practice with friends and family

One of the easiest ways to start building your portfolio is to offer friends and family free or discounted lash extensions. This allows you to hone your skills and build your confidence, all while creating a portfolio of your work. Don’t be afraid to ask for honest feedback and constructive criticism – this will help you improve your technique and refine your style.

Pro Tip: Document your progress with before-and-after photos for each session. This not only showcases your skill development but also provides visual proof of your improvement over time, which is very appealing to potential clients.

2. Choose the right models

When building your portfolio, you want to work with different models with different eye shapes, styles, and preferences to demonstrate your versatility as a lash artist. Ensure that your models are reliable and can arrive on time for appointments. Set clear expectations before your session to ensure everything runs smoothly. Additionally, if your model loves your work, don’t hesitate to ask for a written testimonial and a photo consent form that you can use on your social media pages or portfolio.

Pro Tip: Develop a portfolio that reflects a diverse range of eye shapes and lash styles. This diversity demonstrates your adaptability and skill in catering to various client needs, enhancing your market appeal.

3. Show your technique

Your portfolio should show more than just the physical results of your lash application. You should also include pictures of the process and tools that you use. Many clients love to see how the entire process is done and how you have mastered the techniques in the lash industry. So, ensure you capture photos of your work in action and explain them briefly in the portfolio.

Pro Tip: Incorporate short video clips or time-lapse videos in your portfolio to give potential clients a dynamic view of your technique and the meticulous care you put into each application.

4. Take quality pictures

Your portfolio reflects your skills, and the pictures you include are crucial. Make sure to take clear and high-quality photos showcasing your lash work. Find a model with lashes that complement your style and take pictures from different angles. Avoid using filters or editing, as you want your pictures to be as close to reality as possible. Finally, ensure your photographs are well-lit and showcase your work in the best way possible.

Pro Tip: Invest in a good camera or learn smartphone photography techniques to ensure your photos are of professional quality. Consider taking a basic photography course online to enhance your skills in this area.

5. Utilise social media

Social media is a great tool to showcase your portfolio and reach potential clients. Make sure to set up an Instagram page dedicated to your lash work. Post your best pictures, before and after transformations, and testimonials from satisfied clients. Remember to engage with your followers, answer questions, and reply to comments. Consistency is key, so post regularly and utilize hashtags to reach a wider audience.

Pro Tip: Regularly engage with your audience by sharing tips, answering questions, and posting about lash care. This not only showcases your expertise but also builds a community around your brand.

6. Network and collaborate

Networking with other professionals in the lash industry can help you gain more clients and build your reputation. Reach out to other lash technicians or beauty professionals and offer to collaborate or refer clients to each other. Attend events related to the beauty industry and introduce yourself to fellow professionals. You can also offer discounts or promotions to clients referred by other professionals, which can be an excellent incentive for them to send business your way.

Pro Tip: Create a referral program where fellow professionals can benefit from referring clients to you. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship and encourages more referrals.

7. Offer free lash services

Offering free lash services to models can help build your portfolio and gain exposure. Reach out to friends, family, or local models willing to have their lashes done for free. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills, take pictures, and post them on social media. Remember to ask their permission to use their photos in your portfolio and credit them.

Pro Tip: When offering free services, choose individuals who have a significant social media presence. Their posts about your work can serve as an endorsement, reaching a wider audience.

8. Offer promotions and discounts

When you’re just starting as a lash technician, building a client base can take a lot of work. Consider offering promotions or discounts to help attract new clients and build your portfolio. For example, you might offer a “first-time client” discount or a deal for clients who book multiple appointments in advance. Be creative and try different promotions to see what works best for you and your business.

Pro Tip: Track the success of your promotions and adjust your strategies based on what attracts the most clients. Use these insights to refine future marketing efforts.

9. Keep your portfolio up-to-date

Finally, it’s important to keep your portfolio up-to-date and relevant. As you continue to improve your skills and refine your technique, update your portfolio to showcase your best and most recent work. Consider creating a website or social media account specifically for your lash extension business to showcase your portfolio and connect with potential clients.

Pro Tip: Include client testimonials in your portfolio. Positive reviews from satisfied customers can be a powerful tool in attracting new business.

10. Get certified and continue to educate yourself

Finally, it’s important to invest in yourself and your skills. Get certified by a reputable lash training academy and attend workshops or seminars to learn the latest techniques and trends in the lash industry. Your knowledge and skills will reflect in your work, and clients will be willing to pay more for quality and expertise.

Pro Tip: Share your continuous learning journey on social media and in your portfolio. This demonstrates your commitment to staying updated with the latest trends and techniques, reassuring clients of your expertise.

Elevate your career: building and maintaining an impressive lash portfolio

Your journey to success as a lash technician begins with building an impressive lash portfolio that represents your unique style, skills, and expertise. By practising with those close to you, choosing the right models, showcasing your technique, taking quality pictures, utilising social media, networking, collaborating, offering unique services, keeping your portfolio up-to-date, and investing in your education, you’re not just creating a collection of beautiful images but an authentic reflection of your professional journey.

Whether a new lash technician or a seasoned pro looking to revitalise your career, investing time and energy into your lash portfolio can lead to unparalleled growth and fulfilment in this vibrant field. Follow these comprehensive tips, and start building a lash portfolio that doesn’t merely showcase your work but tells your unique story in the lash industry.

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RM Lash & Beauty are a respected source of knowledge for lash trainers and technicians alike. The quality of their professional eyelash extension education products and training courses reflect their lengthy experience in the industry and positively impacts lash extension professionals globally.


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